Huwebes, Oktubre 20, 2011

Nice People... yet bad players???

In WoW, there are good and bad players we meet every now and then. But let's try to focus on these "good people" shall we?

Usually, the bad players we meet are the trolls, ninjas, griefers, ragers, beggars, etc. but we must rethink on evaluating the who is terrible again.

Here are the categories of nice people (personally) with terrible player qualities:

1) Noobs. You guys may not directly agree with this, but I'm sure this comes in everyone's mind. These people tend do be nice, yet so gullible and dumb-founded they fail to execute PvP or PvE stuff. Noobs commonly reveal their bad qualities in raids mistakes, especially with lag occurrences. Of course, they tend to try hard, but still fail in some way. Although their not noobs anymore if they achieve something above the community's expectations. Other than being polite and nicey-wisey, a good player should know how to play!
Community presence: Very common
How I deal with them: I call them "noob", as simple as that.
How you deal with them: Always try to be nice to them, never give up in teaching them, really :)

2) Drama Queens /  Ill-willies. God, I hate to deal with these guys. Heck, they're even annoying than my 3rd-degree trolling (I admit I troll every now and then). This happens whenever you just kick/reject them in a group, they start yapping, telling you their emotional distress, and even spreading it to world chat! What's worse is they don't know when to stop and deal with it. Even though they are not rude (considering they're still nice on the inside), such actions are fucking pathetic! In short, these guys are a bunch of sensitive incompetent crybabies.
Community presence: Moderate

How I deal with them: This is when I shut up which is not common for me when trolling. I usually insult them in  an asshole manner that will make them even more mad. It's nice seeing them get a mental breakdown, don't you think? And when they try to report me? Ha, they even fail doing that!
How you deal with them: Again, try to be nice to them. Let them calm down slowly by joining their side for a while.

3) Snobs / Elitists. You ever notice people having to type in full sentences? Most of those people to me are elitst jerks, with little exception. There are times they are helpful enough to guide you through the game and crack a few witty jokes or two, but I find their egos to be stocked-up annoying. You can usually find them in Roleplaying guilds. Seriously, only 2 redeeming things about these guys: smart and polite. They have a great absence of social and public competence though because their activities seem to be isolated as they want it to be. They are also the main reason why I quit roleplaying. Too hard to get along, too sad to play a game.
Community presence: Rare

How I deal with them: 
This can go either way:

1) If they're that stubborn/arrogant, I troll them to no end, until they ignore me or even spam them in world chat. Seriously, I'm that driven to fuck them out.

2) If they're fine, I just ignore them/their situation, although I gossip their actions every once in a while.

How you deal with them: Haha just try to agree with their actions, no matter how stupid it is. Be smart though, they may lead you to your demise. Just don't let them get into your nerved or they'll gonna troll you back.

4) Sheeps- They're everywhere! LOL. These people don't have a decision or even a personality of their own, really. They just scan world chat and get into a group all day farming emblems, not doing much else but that. Okay, so they don't sound that bad, but they tend to impose the QQing we receive frequently. They fail to do practical stuff, like leading a fucking group, as simple as that. More like noobs, they need to learn more about their environment to fully enjoy the game.
Community presence: Very common

How I deal with them: Nothing lol. Their poor sorry creatures who don't need any help. They need to help themselves.

How you deal with them: You can start off my socializing with them. Most of these guys are friendly and some even smart deep down. They're just bummed-off by the moronic trending community. You can even make them your own friends! It's like recycling or  turning water into gold :)

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